12 Tips on how to prepare for a live vocal performance




Writing Tips #2



Make yourself work.


Another thing that works for me is actually sitting down and working. Not knowing what I am going to do.

My background in music is Bass & songwriting and the first tune I wrote on bass is an instrumental, drawing influences from Jaco Pastorius and Thomas Leeb in their stylings and use of harmonics. But none of this would have come about if I hadn’t sat down and experimented, tried new ideas, new keys, new finger positions.

The same is true with some of my lyric writing. I sit down and work at it, trying new things and improving with practise.


Ever heard the old adage that Practise Makes Perfect?

Practise does not make perfect, but it does make better.


I hate the idea that perfection is an attainable substance, because to me it isn’t. It is impossible to attain perfection, but that won’t stop me from trying and it shouldn’t stop you.


And thanks to all the brains out there for being so awesome.



DyNaMik Studio


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Hit us up on twitter @DyNaMikRec


Writing Tips #1

by Celia Fernandez

photo by Celia Fernandez

With this writing blog, I wont be giving you a list of what I find by googling, but rather what I have learned works for me or others I work with.

Writing tip #1

Give your brain some time.

Take some time to yourself every day to just let your brain do what it does.

The song I am currently working on came from being very bored at a bus stop on a cold November’s morning with a dead phone and no book to distract me. I had an hour and a half to kill so I just started talking to myself.

“If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t know it well enough” – Albert Einstein

I started talking through things that were bothering me with work and such distractions. I find it very therapeutic, and somewhere in the middle of this I went off on a tangent and one beautifully dark metaphor came to me. I expanded a bit, then expanded some more. I took out my pen and paper (which I always carry with me, ALWAYS) and jotted down the lyrics and melody (it helps to know how to read and write score.) I then sat down that night and arranged & orchestrated the song on a bit of paper.

While I may not have “Given” myself the time, I made use of what I had.

So do yourself a favour and give yourself some time.

And thanks to all the brains out there for being so awesome.


DyNaMik Studio

Got any questions? Comments?

Hit us up on twitter @DyNaMikRec